BEELINE 310 sx
The Beeline 310 SX is an automated IFA workstation for performing IFA’s on batches up to 96 samples

BEELINE 310 sx – Automated IFA System – Features
The Beeline 310 sx is an Automated IFA instrument which processes all the liquid handling steps in an IFA and yet remains a very cost-effective solution for the lower throughput laboratory. Some of the key features are highlighted below:

310 sx Workstation
Compact, medium throughput automated IFA instrument
The Beeline 310 sx automated IFA system has a relatively small footprint of 735mm yet provides all the flexibility of an XYZ configuration. The Deck accommodates a range of different rack configurations and can be customised to suit any specific requirements.

Graphical Interface
Worklists showing deck layout
Programming is performed with the aid of a graphical representation of the Deck to indicate key parameters relating to the Worklist such as slides and consummables required.

Sample ID+
Up to 96 Sample sapacity option
The Beeline 310 sx uses mirrors to give it the ability to read both sample and slide barcodes using a single barcode reader. This provides advanced functionality with simplified hardware.

Slide Identification
Arm mounted barcode reader
Fitted with a barcode reader for identifying slides, microplates and other consumables. Reads both 1D and 2D codes.

Single Probe & Syringe
Single Probe and Syringe Drive
A single probe system comprising one needle connected to the syringe pump used for pipetting and one needle for waste aspiration during washing procedures.

12 Slide Capacity
3 x 4 position slide carriers
The Beeline 310 sx takes up to 12 slides in most Layouts. Slides are located in removable carriers and are identified automatically using the underarm barcode reader.