Diluter & Dispenser suitable for a wide range of liquid handling procedures
Main Applications
The Compudil 3 diluter/dispenser provides laboratories with cost-effective automation for a range of liquid handling tasks including:
Sample Pipetting
Sample Dilution
Serial Dilution
Reagent Addition
The Compudil 3 has a twin-syringe configuration and each syringe is independently driven by a stepper motor coupled to a high-precision, long-life drive mechanism. The unit can also be configured to work as a single syringe unit and can then be upgraded at a later date to be populated with two syringes.

Pipetting Control
Control of the Compudil 3 is achieved by an on-board microprocessor which is programmed via the keypad. The microprocessor also caters for external control of the instrument via an RS232 interface.
The sample and dispense tip forms an integral part of an extremely lightweight handset* (<20 grams) that is comfortable to hold during prolonged use and minimises the risk of operator fatigue or injury. The handset also contains a switch for finger-tip control of the execution of the pipetting sequence.
Syringe Options
Depending on the volume and type of fluid that you need to process there are a number of options available to ensure that the entire fluid path is optimised to achieve the best possible performance.
Sample syringes (fitted on the right) range from 50µl up to 5ml and Diluent syringes (fitted on the left) from 1ml to 25ml. There are also three valve options to chose from that are designed to provide minimum “dead volume” or maximum flow rate as appropriate.
In addition, there is a choice of handsets available incorporating tubing of 0.86mm, 1.6mm or 3.2mm internal diameter. Other more specialised and customised filling probes are available on request.

Easy to use
The Compudil 3 is extremely easy to use. Simply select the desired program using the keypad and then control the pipetting sequence using the button on the handset. The display shows the next pipetting process so it’s easy to keep track of where you are in more complex processes.
Integrated Applications
The Compudil 3 incorporates a number of applications designed to accommodate the most commonly performed liquid handling tasks.
These applications cover 3 principle modes of operation:
Transfer mode (1)
Dilution modes (4 )
Dispense modes (6)
The Transfer mode is designed for pipetting samples without dilution and where the probe needs to be rinsed to minimise sample to sample carryover. The 4 Dilution modes are primarily designed for performing sample dilution where the diluent is either primed through the syringes or aspirated via the tip. 6 Dispense modes are available to suit a variety of different tasks.
Graphical Display
A 48 character display prompts the user and provides program information. From the keypad 4 types of dilution, 6 types of dispensing, liquid transfer and wash and serial dilution can be accessed. Further versatility is provided by the RS232 socket which allows two way program exchange with a PC for GLP accreditation requirements. 15 further memories are provided for the storage of PC generated programs.

To download a brochure giving more information on the capabilities of the Compudil 3
Syringes and other optional parts for the Compudil 3 can be viewed HERE.