QASAR 300 sx
The Qasar 300 sx is a semi-automated blood grouping intruments designed for hospital blood banks.

QASAR 300 sx – compact and flexible
The Qasar 300 sx is a compact and flexible instrument providing the smaller laboratory with cost-effective automation with maximum possible security. The Qasar 300 automates all the pipetting, reagent addition, incubation and washing steps that form part of setting up blood grouping assays.
Although small, the Qasar 300 boasts an impressive capacity, helping you to maximise the use of your limited bench space. Occupying under 700 mm, it still has the capacity to process batches of up to 64 samples depending on layout option selected and tests that that need to be performed. The Qasar 300 can be used to perform all of the following tests:
ABO Grouping
Rh Typing
Antibody screening
Cross matching
Uses any reagents
A range of different card and plate racks is available to match your reagent supplier’s consumables. Furthermore, the deck of the Qasar 300 has a unique racking system which allows different layouts to be readily interchanged. The Layout below is populated with 64 barcoded sample tubes and associated red cell dilution tubes, 18 Gel Cards plus reagents. However, different configurations are available to suit particular workloads and test formats.

Easy to use
The Qasar 300 is extremely easy to use. Simply select the desired protocol (Group & Screen, Group only, Screen only, etc.) and then enter the number of samples to process.
Secure & safe
For maximum security, the Qasar 300 incorporates automated identification of samples, reagents, microplates and cards. A security shield provides you with additional protection against identification errors. Once you have started a batch, a barcode reader automatically identifies all the assay components on the deck. Reagent lot numbers are checked against predefined criteria and processing commences. If you lift the security shield is lifted during processing, all security checks are repeated and barcodes re-read.
Graphical display
During processing, you are provided with continuously updated information on the progress of the batch. A colour display shows you which tubes have been processed and also indicates whether any errors, such as an insufficient sample, have been encountered.
Simple & reliable
The Qasar 300 is based on reliable and well-proven technology incorporated into over a thousand analysers worldwide. Its simple and robust design will ensure it remains a true “workhorse”in your laboratory for many years to come.
QASAR Readers
The Qasar 300 sx workstation can be supplied with either the DUET or SOLO readers both of which are supported using AURORA* software (from Biomedical Data Solutions). This software merges the pipetting and imaging data together to produce the final results.
Additional Items needed for QASAR 300 sx
The QASAR 300 is a semi-automated system and there are a couple of steps which require manual intervention namely shaking and centrifugation. Your laboratory will probably already have these items available but, if not, we can recommend the following items:
Microplate Plate Shaker: Heidolph Titramax 101 Plate Shaker
Microplate Centrifuge: Centurion Pro Hospital Centrifuge
Furthermore, if you are doing antibody screening, the cards may require a special card centrifuge and incubator but we suggest you source this from your card supplier.