BEELINE 320 sx
The Beeline 320 sx is a compact, high-throughput automated IFA workstation

BEELINE 320 sx – Features
The Beeline 320 sx automated IFA workstation is optimised for laboratories with a high throughput IFA workload but with limited benchspace. High processing speed is achieved by the two independently driven, Dual Nozzle probes which are in turn driven by two high speed syringe drives. This unique combination makes the Beeline 320sx a flexible and powerful workstation for performing IFA in the routine immunology laboratory.
Key elements and features are illustrated below:

320 sx Workstation
Compact & high-throughput
The Beeline 320 sx has a relatively small footprint of 735mm yet provides all the layout and rack flexibility of an XYZ configuration workstation.

Graphical Interface
Worklists showing deck layout
Fitted with a barcode reader for identifying slides, microplates and other consumables. Reads both 1D and 2D codes.

Sample ID+
Up to 160 Sample Capacity Option
The sample Slide-In-Rack module is available in 96 and 160 capacity versions on the Beeline 320 sx.

Slide ID+
Arm mounted barcode reader
Fitted with a barcode reader for identifying slides, microplates and other consumables. Reads both 1D and 2D codes.

Dual Probe & Syringe
Twin independent Z drives
The Dual Z drive configuration enables the Beeline 320 sx to process two samples simultaneously for higher throughput.

12 Slide Capacity
3 x 4 position slide carriers
The Beeline 320 sx takes up to 12 slides in most Layouts. Slides are located in removable carriers and are identified automatically using the underarm barcode reader.
Automated Microscope Interface options with Beeline 320 sx
The Beeline 320 sx also incorporates the ability to interface to automated microscopes, such as the Image Navigator from Immunoconcepts. Output files containing sample position and dilution data are sent from the Beeline to the Image Navigator and are combined with its results to provide a complete record of the test results for a given patient. In addition, if further dilutions are required, titre requests may be sent back from the Image Navigator to the Beeline for additional processing.