Single syringe diluter/ dispenser suitable for a wide range of liquid handling procedures
Main Applications
The Compudil 300 diluter dispenser is a series of compact and versatile benchtop diluter/dispensers providing laboratories with cost-effective automation for a range of liquid handling tasks including:
Sample Pipetting
Sample Dilution
Serial Dilution
Reagent Addition
The Compudil 300 diluter dispenser series comprises 4 different models namely the Compudil 310, 320, 330 and 340. All are single syringe diluters driven by a stepper motor coupled to a high-precision, long-life drive mechanism. The Compudil 310 and 320 are controlled by a pre-programmed on-board controller. Up to 9 fixed programs can be specified which allow independent operation of the valve and the number of steps, direction and speed of the syringe. A front panel switch allows easy selection of a particular program*.
The Compudil 310 caters for syringe sizes between 50 microlitres and 5 mls and is fitted with a Solenoid valve. The Compudil 320 caters for syringe sizes between 50 microlitres and 25mls and is fitted with a Motorised valve. This gives slightly higher accuracy at lower volumes.

Pipetting Control
Control of the Compudil 310 and 320 is achieved by an on-board microprocessor which is programmed with up to 9 fixed programs. The programs are specified at time of purchase and loaded into the instrument during manufacture. This makes these Compudils particularly suited to production environments requiring the same task every day and minimises the risk of accidental program or application changes once deployed.
Alternatively, an RS232 only model (Compudil 330 and 340) can be purchased which are controlled entirely by an external PC.
The sample and dispense tip forms an integral part of an extremely lightweight handset* (<20 grams) that is comfortable to hold during prolonged use and minimises the risk of operator fatigue or injury. The handset also contains a switch for finger-tip control of the execution of the pipetting sequence.
Syringe Options
Depending on the volume and type of fluid that you need to process there are a number of options available to ensure that the entire fluid path is optimised to achieve the best possible performance.
In addition, there is a choice of handsets available incorporating tubing of 0.86mm, 1.6mm or 3.2mm internal diameter. Other more specialised and customised filling probes are available on request.
Easy to use
The Compudil 300 is extremely easy to use. Simply select the program number using the switch on the front panel then control the pipetting sequence using the button on the handset. Lights on the front panel illuminate to show the progress of the pipetting sequence.
To download a brochure giving more information on the capabilities of the Compudil 300
Syringes and other optional parts for the Compudil 300 can be viewed HERE.
* Please note that the programs need to be specified at time of purchase and cannot be modified without returning the unit (or memory chip) back to the factory.